Associazione Italiana dei Magistrati per i Minorenni e per la Famiglia English

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   The AIMMF’s membership is made up of three groups : career judges who directly preside over Juvenile and family courts, career judges and lay judges who have specific interests in juvenile and family issues and honorary members who have outstanding experience in this field.

   The AIMMF was founded in 1951 and it is a member of the International Association of Youth and Family Judges and Magistrates (IAYFJM). Its objectives are:

  • protecting and promoting juvenile and family rights;
  • raising awareness of current issues sharing experiences and developments in this field ;
  • organizing and promoting specialized training for juvenile and family judges;
  • studying and proposing law changes and social projects concerning juveniles and families;
  • promoting meeting between family and juvenile judges and between them and social sciences specialists and social workers.

   The AIMMF , represented by a board of directors and an executive committee, operates across the Italian territory with local sections ,divided into three areas: Northern Italy , including judiciary districts of Torino, Milano, Genova, Bologna, Brescia, Trento, Bolzano, Venezia and Trieste; Central Italy, includine judiciary districts of Firenze, Perugina, Ancona, Roma L’Aquila, Campobasso, Sassari and Cagliari; Southern Italy, including judiciary disctricts of Napoli, Salerno, Potenza, Bari, Lecce, Taranto, Catanzaro, Reggio Calabria, Messina, Palermo, Caltanisetta and Catania.

   Our association also promotes the publication of the "Minorigiustizia" quarterly review, that purposes to get a deeper knowledge of different sciences (law, psychology, pedagogy) concerning juvenile and family justice.

You can find more information about the review in the appropriate section of this site.

   Our association is based in Rome (via dei Bresciani 32, 00186 Rome).